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New Job!

I've started my first full-time job at Skills Training UK Limited in their Hayes centre as IT Trainer. There are two of us in the IT Department, me and Gitesh. Gitesh is really great, he knows lots about computers too. Its already been so much learning today. I've got a few ideas of how we could re-layout the IT area to make much better use of space, and to make it look more friendly to help us train unemployed people on the New CLAIT course. The New CLAIT course is really the basics of using a computer, and one of the things I will have to do is work on some proper training materials.The company only has 1 computer that is on the internet, and it uses the email address skills2000@hotmail.com - I already talked to the Finance Director Avtar today and told him that I could get the company a proper website and internet for all the computers in the centre. He thought that was a great idea and told me to write it up and get it to him - so thats what I'm going to work on after this entry!I'm still living in Hayes, but my girlfriend Barbara and I will hopefully be able to get our own place soon now that I have a job that actually pays a full-time salary!