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7407 Stage 1 Teacher Training – Week 5 Notes


7407 – Stage 1 
Lesson 05 
Date Tuesday, 08 October 2002

  Re-cap from last week Aim – not measurableKirsten’s Aims: To introduce the concept of evaluationTo provide an opportunity for practical teaching Outcomes – measurable (Objectives)Kirsten’s Outcomes: List key features of evaluationDifferentiate between qualitative & quantitative questionsCritically evaluate the use of questions in teaching  Main points covered this week Evaluation Using questions effectively to teach  This week in detail We are going to look at putting together self-evaluation questions. After break you are going to teach something using questions.  We briefly covered in more detail what is needed for Unit 102. For task 102 – You need to have: 4 hours of evaluated lesson plans including…1 hour of lesson observed and evaluated by Kirsten1 hour of lesson observed and evaluated by Mentor16 hours of lesson plans – signed off by a peer or line manager  Evaluation… Why?

  • To highlight any improvement opportunities.
  • Have we achieved our outcomes?
  • Feedback
  • Met learners needs
  • Monitor progress (or lack of)
  • Familiar with content


  • Ongoing…
    • At the end of every session.
    • At break times


  • On site (for learners)
  • At home (self)
  • On the bus (self)


  • Questions
  • Oral
  • Written
  • Anonymous feedback
  • Observation – Attitude
  • Observation – Happiness
  • Observation - Were barriers to learning addressed?
  • Observation - Were basic skills needs of learners addressed?

  Assessment is not evaluation. Assessment is something that we would pin unto individuals. Have they learned anything? Assessment is attaching Learnt, learn, learning. Evaluation is something that is a lot more than Assessment. Evaluation of: YourselfLearning (was it effective)Effectiveness of resourcesEffectiveness of external resourcesRefreshmentsLighting..things that are out of your control  NEXT WEEK KIRSTEN IS GOING TO EVALUATE OUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT JOURNALS Think about all the areas that you have to evaluate. Make a questionnaire for your peers to answer about how you are doing. Questions for yourself or Questions for your learners.  

  • Peers
  • Self
  • Learners

Evaluation of lessons Posters  Peers (Leo, Julia, Richard) Did I communicate effectively with my learners? Well   Could Be Better Poorly Through use of Visual Aids Through verbal instruction Through practical demonstration   Did I achieve all the outcomes on my lesson plan? Yes No  Did I take into account the needs of my learners? Yes Could Be Better No Basic Skills Needs Equipment Needs Environmental Needs Emotional Needs Social Needs  Was the level of my lesson at an attainable level for my learners? Yes No  Had I done enough preparation of materials for the lesson? Yes No   Learners: (Jill, Mary, Mohamed) Did you find the handout useful? What parts of the lesson did you enjoy? How did you like the classroom? What was your favourite activity? What did you learn from todays lesson? Did you understand the lesson? Any other comments?  Course evaluation How did you rate the classroom? How did you rate the contents of the course? How did you rate the tutors knowledge of the subject? How did you rate the quality of the material provided? How did you rate the facilities provided? Any other comments?  Session Evaluation What content of session V Good, Good, Fair, Poor Did I tell you what you were going to do? Yes No Quality of handouts V Good, Good, Fair, Poor Were handouts clear? Yes No Could you hear the tutor? Yes No Was there any area of the session you didn’t understand? Yes No Comment  Self (Hina, Shanaz, Sylvia) Did I manage to identify my learners needs? Yes No Did I spend enough time planning and designing my lesson time Yes No Did I deliver within the time scale? Yes No Did I meet my objectives? Yes No  Learner (Hina, Shanaz, Sylvia) Did you learning anything and understand the lesson plan today? Yes No Did you like the different varieties of teaching styles? Yes No Was the pace of delivery comfortable? Yes No Were you happy with the feedback questions? Yes No  Peers (Hina, Shanaz, Sylvia) Did I identify my learners needs? Yes No Were the objectives clear? Yes No Did I Incorporate enough methods in my lesson? Yes No Was the Information clear and to your understanding? Yes No Comments Self-evaluation checklist Record with a tick in the appropriate column the comments which come closest to your opinion of your performance in each of the following areas: How well did I ……?   1. link this session to other sessions ____ ____ ____ ____ ____2. introduce this session ____ ____ ____ ____ ____3. make the aims clear to the students ____ ____ ____ ____ ____4. move clearly from stage to stage ____ ____ ____ ____ ____5. emphasise key points ____ ____ ____ ____ ____6. summarise the session ____ ____ ____ ____ ____7. maintain an appropriate pace ____ ____ ____ ____ ____8. capture the students’ interest ____ ____ ____ ____ ____9. maintain students’ interest ____ ____ ____ ____ ____10. handle problems of inattention ____ ____ ____ ____ ____11. ask questions ____ ____ ____ ____ ____12. handle student questions and responses ____ ____ ____ ____ ____13. direct student tasks ____ ____ ____ ____ ____14. cope with the range of ability ____ ____ ____ ____ ____15. monitor student activity ____ ____ ____ ____ ____16. use aids as illustrations ____ ____ ____ ____ ____17. make contact with all class members ____ ____ ____ ____ ____18. cope with individual difficulties ____ ____ ____ ____ ____19. keep the material relevant ____ ____ ____ ____ ____20. use my voice and body movements ____ ____ ____ ____ ____21. check on student learning ____ ____ ____ ____ ____22. build up student confidence ____ ____ ____ ____ ____23. convey my enthusiasm ____ ____ ____ ____ ____24. provide a model of good practice ____ ____ ____ ____ ____    What do questions do? Questions force learners to: 

  • Dig Deeper – Make learners thing
  • Change thinking – they can change they way that we think
  • Check out assumptions – a question may be posed to check the way in which they have made their assumptions. Explore this from questions…
  • Relate new information to other ideas – Think about posing a question that is going to link information.
  • Form theories – research questions help to form queries
  • Evaluate concepts

 Questioning Techniques There are many ways of helping learners to develop better, fuller and more confident answers. Some of these techniques are listed below. Now ask yourself if you use any of these techniques. Do you: 

  • Prompt – even when asking open questions you can hint at the kind of answer you are looking for by supplementary questions, e.g. “what about…?”, “Had you thought of…?”.
  • Pause – giving time to learners to assemble their responses.
  • Seek clarification. If an answer is unclear ask more questions, designed to help the learner work out what they think and why, e.g. “Do you mean…?”, “You seem to be saying…”, “Is that right?”, “What do the rest of you think?”.
  • Refocus. If the answer leads away from the point you are discussing, there are ways of leading the group back, e.g. “That was worth bringing up. Now, what about…?”.
  • Accept – never reject an answer out of hand. Treat every response as if it has some value, and say something encouraging before going on to clarify, or to seek other answers.

 Preparing written questions You should check that all written questions you prepare: 

  • Are relevant to the learners’ needs, and the topic you are teaching.
  • Tell learners clearly and unambiguously what you want them to do.
  • Are directed towards specific learning outcomes.
  • Give learners scope to think creatively.

 Using questioning during a lesson For your answer to the above activity you could have noted the reasons suggested below: In the introduction:Questioning is a good way of recapping on earlier sessions. You can:

  • Discover how much learners know about a new topic.
  • Remind learners what they should know.
  • Encourage learners to want to learn something new.

 During the development of the session:Questioning throughout a session helps learners to learn by thinking for themselves rather than just absorbing what you tell them. You can also find out at each stage if:

  • All learners remember what you have covered.
  • The stage needs to be taught again.
  • You are pacing your teaching appropriately.
  • Your teaching methods suit the class and the topic.
  • Any learners are having problems with their learning.

 After the conclusion of a session:Questions are the conclusion of a session could:

  • Help to remind learners what they have covered in the session.
  • Tell you how much revision you will need to do before you move on.